
Oh my goodness

-Una, my kitten, has been trying to climb my curtains.

-My hands and arms are covered in kitty scratches.

-Local Starbucks closing for renovations and got gift card for coffee because of it. Hee Hee.

-Started working on a scrapbook from the 1900's, very cool, but very very brittle. Think corn flakes, flaky croissant. You touch it, it crumbles. Sounds awful but I think it will be fun to work on.

-Hardly knit today.

-Found stuff in my apartment to get rid of in exchange for Vesper purchase. Will prove it with a picture tomorrow. Ugg its almost tomorrow.

-I think I placed an order on Amazon Japan, I think, now way too tired to find out for sure.

-I had so much fun last night knitting and drinking with some of my fellow Caffeiknitters.

Night Night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing to say in this comment, other than that I'm glad you're blogging because I'm getting to know you better. And Una. And Metro. :)

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