
Self Portrait Tuesday
So I did not get an idea or thought together for this week, but I had these from last year.
This is a time where I was taking the commuter rail to work, and then a coworker would pick us up and take us the rest of the way. Work is outside of the city so commuting was rather peacefull and enjoyable.
Anyways.... there was some time at the train station before the coworker picked us up.
Not sure why I started taking them and it seems I was a whimp in the bad weather because its always dry in these photos.
This is a sampling.

Now I get a ride to work.
More SPT's


Diz Rivera said...

The Every Day seems so ridiculous put in this form, doesn't it? Like, here we go again . . .

P.S. The red shoes are FANTASTIC.

Deb R said...

I LOVE your shoes in that last photo!!

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