I think maybe I'm too tired to be pleased with this, its way way past my bedtime. Its my first sock , but its snug. Not sure what to do about this. Options are; -rip back to heel -knit second and give away -try blocking this one bigger now -knit second one and try , try to make bigger. Must sleep .
Hi! I found your blog since you mentioned the name on Wednesday -- I would ask around and see if socks have any "give" - do they stretch a little once they've settled in (then again, I say this because I hate frogging things). Anyway, now you have a link to my blog. :) -Wendy (Wenders)
Do socks block to be bigger? If not I would rip it out, but then again, I don't mind frogging and reknitting. Or like Wendy said, they may stretch. It looks great! I may eventually need to knit a sock (is it okay to just knit one?).
Congrats on finishing the sock! I have a pair of socks that I knit that at first I thought were too tight, but I have gotten used to their fit now and like them much better than the first pair I knit for myself which are way too big. Do they actually cut off circulation? If so then I would tear out.
Hi, Mara. I vote for letting them be and knitting another pair for yourself, casting on more stitches the second time. I don't think it's worth frogging a pair of socks, and if they're tight, you might need to rip the whole thing out. Give them to charity, a friend with tiny legs, or just keep them as a talisman to assure yourself that you DO know how to knit socks now! ;)
Hi! I found your blog since you mentioned the name on Wednesday -- I would ask around and see if socks have any "give" - do they stretch a little once they've settled in (then again, I say this because I hate frogging things). Anyway, now you have a link to my blog. :) -Wendy (Wenders)
Do socks block to be bigger? If not I would rip it out, but then again, I don't mind frogging and reknitting. Or like Wendy said, they may stretch. It looks great! I may eventually need to knit a sock (is it okay to just knit one?).
Congrats on finishing the sock! I have a pair of socks that I knit that at first I thought were too tight, but I have gotten used to their fit now and like them much better than the first pair I knit for myself which are way too big. Do they actually cut off circulation? If so then I would tear out.
Hi, Mara. I vote for letting them be and knitting another pair for yourself, casting on more stitches the second time. I don't think it's worth frogging a pair of socks, and if they're tight, you might need to rip the whole thing out. Give them to charity, a friend with tiny legs, or just keep them as a talisman to assure yourself that you DO know how to knit socks now! ;)
Wow! I'm crocheting a...scarf. You have my total respect.
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